Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Peanut Butter Time

Apparently May is Peanut Butter Lover's Month. Finding this out made me very happy because I love peanut butter. Although I try not to eat as much of it now since it's not great for you, I used to eat it with everything when I was a kid. Peanut butter and tortilla chips, yum! Peanut butter and apples, still my favorite snack. And I was even more excited when I figured out how to make peanut sauce which I could pour over anything (like my friend Eric).

Since I am busy packing, I will leave you with some peanut butter facts that I discovered:
  • According to the USFDA, 90% of peanut butter has to come from peanuts, while the other 10 percent can be seasonings and stabilizers, etc.
  • C.H. Sumner first introduced peanut butter to the world at the 1904 St. Louis World Fair.
  • It takes approximately 550 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of creamy peanut butter.
  • According to, West Coasters like it chunky, while East Coasters go creamy.
  • If you estimate 2 tablespoons per sandwich, Americans eat enought peanut butter to make over 10 BILLION (yes billion!) pb&j sandwiches.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

And according to my admin law prof, a formal rulemaking for determining that peanut butter content took something like 9 years. No wonder government has a bad rep for being inefficient! ;)