Sunday, May 31, 2009


I know it summer when I actually go see movies. Aside from my Oscar-nominated-movie-binge I went on in January, I hardly see movies during the year in the theaters.

This year, I kicked off the summer by seeing Up in 3-D with Alex, David-the pixar enthusiast, and two other friends. It was the perfect treat after my all-day BarBri class. The movie is excellent and I highly recommend it.

Any review I will try to do will not do the movie justice. I will just say that it is one of the funniest and most moving movies I have seen in a very long time. I even cried- and I hardly ever cry watching movies. Pixar has certainly shattered perceptions of what animated movies are supposed to be like.

The movie-watching marathon continues next week when I go see Star Trek on Imax with some of my other friends. I have a feeling that I will really appreciate the escapsim and air-conditioning that movies will provide this summer. I definitely welcome movie suggestions throughout the summer-mainstream, indie, whatever.

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