Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Happy Super Tuesday!

I am currently in the library, sporting my Bruin Democrats shirt and watching a live feed of MSNBC's election coverage. I should be reading Administrative Law right now, but I am too anxious to see the results, even if they will not start coming in for another 6.5 hours.

Yeah, I am a nerd like that, but I am in the company of several friends. Whereas my roommate's friends facebook status are about the Laker's newest acquisition, all of my friends' statuses relate to the primary elections, especially since California matters this time around. Most are for Obama, several are for Clinton, some for McCain, and even a sprinkling of support for Romney, Huckabee, and Paul.

As for myself, I finally decided to cast my California absentee ballot for Senator Obama. I usually do not go for "fad" or "trendy" candidates. When everyone was supporting Dean over four years ago, I was one of the few UCLA students in the Kerry camp. But Obama is different. It was a difficult choice because both candidates are so similar policy wise, and I admire both.

My ultimate decision was based on Obama's vision and ability to inspire people. I have been to many political events, but the diverse crowd for the Obama rally at American awed me. I have also heard many friends, new and old to politics, talk about how grassroots the campaign has been.

I think there is potential for greatness when people are inspired to act out of hope, especially after so many years of fear-based politics and corruption. I love politics and I like government, heck I even like big government, but I have come to learn that progress comes from the people. We need someone to motivate people to act, serve, make sacrifices, and initiate change.

No matter what happens tonight, or whenever the Democratic contest is finally decided, I will be excited to work for the nominee.

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