Saturday, December 15, 2007

Half Way There

[I am writing this blog now instead of after my final because I plan on taking a nice break from using my laptop after spending way too much time with it in the past few weeks]

Barring a snow storm in the next few hours, I will be half way done with law school at 4:30pm today.

For some people, that thought is scary: either because they think there is a lot of law school still left (we will call those people "the glass is half-empty people"), or because they think that one and a half years is too soon for us to be "real lawyers" in the "real world."

I tend to fall into that latter category. It is both scary and exciting to think how much people will rely on your knowledge and judgment. In one and a half years, I can no longer tell friends and family seeking legal advice that I am but a mere a law student.

Some fears of responsibility aside, I am overall elated to be half way done, get a nice long break, and finish up that last half.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You may not be able to claim that you're but a lowly law student, but you still have to pass the Bar Exam to be able to claim practical (practicable?) lawyership or esquireitude or whatever you want to call it. I'm not sure what the timing is on the exams, but it should give you at least a few more days... ;)

Congratulations on the halfway mark! :D