Monday, November 05, 2007

Race to '08

We are now officially less than one year away from Election Day. Interestingly, as long as the campaign season has felt, the last election seems as though it was just yesterday. I cannot believe three years has passed since I was curled up in a ball at the Bruin Democrats Election night 'party.' Everyone thought I had fallen into a state of depression when I was really just asleep because I was so exhausted.

Now 1+ years into my political sabbatical, I am starting to feel the political bug again. You can probably tell with my increasing number of political posts again. Though I am not hopping on a plane to Iowa or New Hampshire like many of my friends who are on campaigns, I have been following things even more closely. Watching a debate for the first time in months, reading more election articles that I used to skip, commenting on the Bruin Dems blog, etc. (Speaking of news stories, I still cannot believe that Ron Paul raised $3.5 in a day, mostly on the internet.)

I am still debating how involved I want to be next summer when I am back in California. This sounds completely ridiculous, but I am pretty sure that I am bad luck when I campaign. The main camps I worked and fundraised for in '06 were Angelides and Harold Ford Jr, the two rare losers during the Democrat's landslide election. I would feel horrible if, you know, I single handedly brought down the Democrats in '08.

I guess I can just wait and sees what will happen. There are 364 days left. Until's the Saturday Night Live skit for those of you who missed it. I thought it summed up the Democratic field pretty nicely.

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