Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Finals Re-Pledge...

Exactly one year and one day ago, I wrote this blog entry on my final day of classes. I basically wrote a contract with myself of things I should and should not be doing during the reading period and finals. Though as my friend Lauren pointed out, this pledge is good for law school and life in general.

Even though I have one more class tomorrow, I am already well into finals mode. I have already been churning out the pages for my Higher Education final (23 pages down, at least 3 to go). Therefore, it is time to re-pledge and work towards repeating the success/miracle of last fall.

My Finals Pledge
  • I will take care of myself physically. I will sleep at least 7 hours a night, I will continue cooking my meals, I will avoid bad food, I will keep a supply of healthy snacks, I will try to incorporate as much physical activity as possible, I will stay hydrated, I will finally take my vitamins.
  • I will take care of myself emotionally. I will call my family or friends if I need to talk to someone, I will take little study breaks, I will not completely deprive myself of the things that entertain me like facebook, bad reality tv, IM, or blogging, but instead keep it in moderation.
  • I will not whine too much. I will remember that I chose to go to law school, knowing that it would be difficult and that I would have difficult exams.
  • I will not take out my frustration on other people, my fellow classmates (as eccentric as they can be) or people outside the law school bubble. I will remember that it's ok to be frustrated but trying to make other people feel bad accomplishes nothing.
  • I will be honest with myself. I will not try to fool myself about how much I can accomplish in one day. I won't try to tell myself or others I understand something if I don't.
  • Oh...and I will have fun once finals are over!

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