Monday, September 03, 2007

Non-Labor Day Weekend, Part Deux

Labor Day is a United States federal holiday that takes place on the first Monday in September. The holiday began in 1882, originating from a desire by the Central Labor Union to create a day off for the "working man."

Well thanks to the Central Labor Union and my spontaneous boyfriend, I got my own mini-vacation this weekend (and hence, no blog yesterday). Even though I was set to work most of yesterday, I got a call from Alex asking if I wanted to go to Target. And really, who turns down Target? The Target trip evolved into dinner, walking around downtown DC, watching Iron Chef and Extreme Home Makeover, driving through Northern Virginia, and more shopping trips today.

After having such a fun weekend and getting the reading I needed done, I wondered if I was still in law school. Then I remembered that tomorrow, I have class at 10am, a meeting at 10:10pm, and many things in between.

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