Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Job

One of the things I always wanted to do at UCLA, but could not, was be a Resident Assistant (RA). I love programming, doing artsy stuff, and playing counselor, but I knew that I could not handle being an RA and President of Bruin Democrats at the same time. No regrets about the path I chose in retrospect though. Not being an RA led to many other opportunities that were much better in terms of my own growth like democratic politics, student government, and probably most importantly: time for a social life.

Moreover, as fate would have it, I have been given the opportunity to be a pseudo-RA to 1L students this year as a Dean's Fellow. I get the joy of having 1Ls come to my office hours and email questions, feed them at events, etc. All without having duty hours or crazy Office of Residential Life training. Although sometimes the job can seem time consuming, it is always worth it when I have one of the 1Ls wave to me in the halls or send a thank you email. My maternal gene has been fulfilled once again.

I have been told that I always luck out, but I do think things can always work out in the end.

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