Sunday, September 23, 2007


Al-Anon is an international organization with a membership of more than half a million people providing a Twelve Step program of recovery for friends and family members of alcoholics.
Today Alex and I went to my section's social at one of the professor's homes. We arrived a little early to set up, but since everything was done, we ended up chatting with two of the professors. We had a funny conversation about handling relationships during law school, and the professors gave Alex a pat on the back for surviving my first year of law school. As I joked that the significant others of my friends in law school talked about forming a support a group, the Professors said it would be like Al-Anon.

As the students trickled into the social, there were many other boyfriends and girlfriends of the law students. And the significant others did talk to each other with this shared bond of dating a law student. They all know what it's like to listen to us complain a lot, plan schedules around legal rhetoric memos, endure horribly nerdy law jokes, and not be able to watch Law & Order without us saying that we just learned that in class.

Sometimes I wonder if I would want to date myself during law school, particularly during my 1L year. So I give Alex much credit for having a tremendous amount of patience. Also to my family and friends. Hopefully in exchange, I can provide you some free (or discounted) legal advice in the future.

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