Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Court Minority

When you come from a state that's pretty diverse...
A university where Asians are a plurality and whites are a minority...
A law school where there are more females than males...

It's a little weird when you realize that you're entering into a profession where being an Asian female makes you a double minority. I don't think about it a lot, in fact, most of the time I forget that I'm actually going to be a lawyer in general.

However, for my externship class, we had some reading on the barriers women face in the law field. In Newsweek, I also read that out of the 7 out of the 37 Supreme Court law clerks last year were women. Thank goodness it doubled this year, but there's still a long way to go both in terms of how women are treated and numbers. Ruth shouldn't have to sit on the Supreme Court alone.

But at least while she does sit on the high court as the only female voice, she represents the sisterhood well. (See her vocal dissents on pay discrimination in Ledbetter and dissent regarding partial birth abortion bans in Gonzales v. Cahart). I wish I were Ruth.

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