Sunday, April 29, 2007

Four Until Freedom

This weekend Alex drove down to the University of Virginia for some Derby event where all the UVA kids dress up in sear-sucker suits and sundresses, eat fried chicken, and drink mint juleps. Very bourgie I know, but it sounded like so much fun, especially compared to studying for finals. As he called me during the day to say hi, I thought to myself "Is this how the rest of my life is going to be, people out having fun while I am stuck inside reading cases?"

Don't get me wrong, I do actually have some fun in my life. Going to out to dinner before the flurry of finals with a few friends today at a nice sit-down restaurant felt really good. However, it just seems like since January, it's been non-stop work. Not to scare or disappoint all the incoming 1L students, but I think second semester is actually harder than the first. Even "Spring Break" consisted of doing the short write-on competition.

This is why I'm really looking forward to going up to see Alex and I think we're going to spend a few days at Blue Mountain by the Adirondack Mountains (pictured left). Then we're going to drive down the coast and visit a few cities before reaching DC. Might not be a big foreign trip like some of my friends are taking, but being outside with no work to do is all I need. There is a light at the end of the tunnel; four finals and less than 2 weeks until I'm there.

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