Saturday, April 28, 2007

Constitutional Law

Six years ago, my AP history/ government teacher told me to keep my copy of the constitution he had given us because I had become "quite the constitutional scholar." Ever since then I couldn't wait to take constitutional law. I took a class pseudo con law class at UCLA, but had a horrible professor. This time around, I had a much better professor.

After reading over 155 cases from Chemerinsky's 1560 page constitutional law casebook (yes, the book is as thick as it looks), I will be embarking on my con law final, my first one of this semester.

I'm scared. Not because I don't feel like I understand it; I actually feel like I know the basics really well. I just have very high expectations of myself for this subject. This isn't property or civil procedures, subjects I weren't familiar with before law school.

It's like when there's a catering challenge on top chef, the chefs with experiences in the catering business really want to excel. Or I'm like Kayne, the pageant dress designer from Project Runway, with the pressure to win the Miss America dress challenge. You just want to do really well in something you love and you're allegedly good at.

Strangely enough I'm not stressed out (yet) about it, I'm just a little nervous. I'll be fine, I just want to be done with all these finals. A girl can only study for so many hours.

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