Thursday, January 18, 2007

Something's Not Right...

To the left is picture of the freeway pass by my house in California. I would compare this to a snowy picture of DC but that picture doesn't exist. Besides the speckles of snow fall that we had for about 5 minutes today, there's no winter wonderland here on the East Coast.

I know I am the millionth person to probably blog about this subject but it really is amusing, especially for the girl who had never seen snow fall in her city the 16 years she lived there. Coincidentally, I moved to Santa Clarita a year after it snowed and I move out the year it snows again. I am not sure if I should be happy or sad about this.

Whether or not you think global warming is causing these specific weird weather patterns sweeping the nation (I certainly think its playing a role), I am glad that the strangeness in weather is prompting a lot of people to discuss the subject of global warming. Unfortunately a lot of these important topics don't get discussed until people are personally afflicted. Perhaps crops dying, power lines being severed by falling branches covered in ice, roads closing will make people realize that climate change can have very real effects that effect our day to day lives.

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