Friday, September 22, 2006

The McDreamys

Yesterday as I was watching Grey's Anatomy, the character in the show was confronted with the decision between picking McDreamy v. McVet. A man that she loves who has a wife or a man who she's getting to know better and treats her well. For me, the choice would have been clear.

I don't recall knowing any adulterers or tramautic stories relating to infidelity in my childhood that could have shaped my very strong view on this, but somehow I developed an extreme disgust for 1) people who cheated on his/her significant other and 1) people who the cheater cheated with. I know almost everyone says it's bad but I am really repulsed by it and I'm not sure why.

I remember watching "My Best Friend's Wedding" ages ago and hating Julia Robert's character for wanting to tell her best friend she was in love with him right before his wedding. I felt like she was just being very selfish, and that's generally my view on most people who cheat. I often feel like the odd one out while watching tv shows or movies because I'm never rooting for that couple to get together when there are other people attached to them. Frankly I don't care if they're destined to be, you just don't hurt other people like that.

Is it silly to think that if you love someone else, than you should just seperate from them instead of cheat on them? And why would you want to be with a cheater when you obviously know that the person has no qualms about being dishonest? I'm not compeltely naiive and I know that not all relationships work out perfectly to fairytale endings, but I really don't get it.

Maybe I just don't understand because I've never confronted the type of situation, and hopefully never will. But I just question people's notion that the path to true love can be paved in infidelity.

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