Thursday, August 27, 2009

Courthouse Chaos

One of the things that I like the most about my job is the courthouse. It is so full of energy, interesting characters, and stories.

I love coming off the metro and seeing the African American woman with neon blue eye shadow, black pantyhose, and white socks sitting at the same bench every morning. I love seeing the lawyers wheeling large boxes of files--the younger lawyers wearing crisp suits, the older ones with disheveled hair (they all have crazy hair) sporting suits probably older than me.

I love walking into the atrium of the courthouse and seeing the assignment board, like the ticker at a train station, telling everyone where to go. People dragging their heels to the juror check-in. Parties nervously walking to courtrooms for hearings. It is kind of crazy that every day, I go to work at a place where people's lives can change in an instant. Win or lose hundreds, if not millions of dollars. Go free or to jail for life. Win or lose custody of a child.

Every morning I walk in amongst the hustle and bustle and leave when the only people left are the other law clerks and security guards. While that means it has been a long day, it makes me feel like I have seen or been part of so much activity.

Never a dull day.

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