Sunday, November 23, 2008

Only in DC

Only at a DC party would you meet a Log Cabin Republican political operative who helped run the campaign against your classmate's dad, who is a Congressman from the great state of California.

Only at a DC party would there be someone, like aforementioned political operative, go around to the 75+ people at the party and be able to identify their Congressional district based on what city they are from.

Only at a DC party would you run into the Daily Bruin editor who endorsed you for student government elections, interviewed you about bi-partisan dating for her dating column, and is now working for the Washington Post.

Only at a DC party would you meet someone who quit his job and would rather work at a Hollywood video at night so he could spend the day looking for non-profit jobs.

Only at a DC party would you meet someone from Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois, and not a single person who actually grew up in DC.

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