Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Low Energy

Last year right before finals, my AC adapter had a loose wire, which required me to wiggle the cord around extensively to get power. This year, my new AC adapter on my new laptop has decided to die on me again. Though a new one is coming in the mail on Thursday, I am hoping it will come back to life soon. Why do computer failures always happen around finals time?

Speaking of technology questions, a 44 year old UCLA alum from Uruguay friended me on facebook. Though I was quite sure that I did not know the woman, I sent her a facebook message asking if we had met before. She responded by saying that we do not know each other.

You would think she would have added a reason of why she requested to be my friend on facebook or how she found me. My profile is private, so the only thing that people who are not my friends can see is my picture, which at the time was a picture of law books.

[Addendum: Another person, a political nemesis who I have denied twice as a friend on facebook, tried to add me again. Why? Alex does not think I reject people, but I do, multiple times.]

On a last technology note, I have an update on "xtremlyaddictlng," better known in my blog as the internet creeper. However, I will wait until I have more energy, both physically and laptoply, to share the full story.


Unknown said...

I've denied a few people on Facebook because I don't know them, or never have. I've even unfriended someone with whom I had a class, but never got to know. Does that make me a bad person? :P

Shons said...

I wonder when you defriend someone if they magically disappear...you have strange powers Doan. Im glad im not on your bad side.