Saturday, May 05, 2007

Unity Party

People always ask me if Alex and I fight about politics a lot, and are shocked when I say no. In addition to agreeing on a lot of the more important issues to me (social issues) and just having a general respect for each other's opinions, we also don't take it too seriously. I think this conversation is pretty indicative of how we approach the taboo subject:

Me: you're getting way too hippy on me
Me: this is not what i signed up for
Alex: you have to be the Republican now
Me: boo immigration
Alex: i say the more, the merrier
Me: they lead to crime and poverty
Me: build a wall!
Alex: Build??
Alex: Who wants to build anything.
Alex: Capitalist.
Alex: Mother Earth has given us all we need.
Me: you're just a lazy hippie, get a job
Alex: "jobs" are a socially-constructed tool of oppression by the elites.
Alex: Stop keeping me down!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You guys are so cute!