Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Write-On Of Passage

My non-law school friend once made an astute observation, likening law school classes to army platoons. First year of law school is thus analogous to bootcamp, with many challenges testing our mental strength. And while we may not love everyone we're around, we'll bond over surmounting obstacles together.

We bonded over bbq'ed food and beer after turning in our first memo. We bonded over hating hot tubs after turning in our second memo. And we bonded over surviving our first set of law school finals. These are all like rites of passages for law school, things that you hate while you're doing them but things that you're so glad that you accomplished after they're done. Things that only the people who went through it with you fully understand.

Spring Break for many lL's is consumed by the write-on competition that I've written much about. As much as I wanted to quit so many times, reading through hundreds of pages, I'm really glad that I went through with it now. Regardless if I make it onto a journal (obviously I want to, but I'll be ok if I didn't), I learned a lot both academically and personally. . . as cheesy as that sounds.

It's also funny that as I was in the library measuring my margins to make sure that they were precisely 1-inch (contrary to popular belief- if you set your margins on Word to 1-inch, they will not turn out that way) or waiting in line to turn in 20 copies of my 10 page paper, I talked to people that I've never talked to before. It's the bond. We suffered together, we helped each other within the parameters of the honor code, we share each other's pain.

I was going to mention some things about the topic that we had to write on, because I'm allowed to and it's all over the news now, but I'll save that for tomorrow. I am exhausted!

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