Thursday, February 15, 2007

Better Late Than Never

Through seven hours of class today (far more hours of law than one should ever have in one day), I constantly checked the status of my flight. Yesterday’s flight from DC to Syracuse was cancelled, and I feared that my plans for a four-day weekend getaway to see Alex would be crushed.

After some confusion at the gate, we finally boarded the plane and I thought to myself, “Hey, only fifteen minutes behind schedule, not bad at all.” We were all buckled up, ready to go, until the engine shut off and they told us that they we would be boarding a new plane. Why? Who knows. But we all had to get off, wait for our luggage to change planes, reboard another plane that looked exactly the same, listen to the safety instructions again, and relive our own version of Bill Murray’s “Groundhog Day.”

I’m sitting in the Syracuse Airport, an hour and a half later than expected. Because I arrived later than expected, the ride Alex arranged couldn’t pick me up and now I have to wait half an hour more. At this point, I would usually be very cranky, like most of my traveling companions.

Yet I think that the sheer fact that there was a possibility that I wouldn’t be able to arrive in Syracuse at all this weekend makes me happy just to be here. Even if it took longer than expected. Even though it’s freezing cold!

Probably won't be blogging for the next few days; this is as close as I get to a vacation. If you don't hear back from me past Tuesday, it's probably because I've turned into a popsicle.

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