Sunday, January 21, 2007

Let It Snow

The last time that it snowed where I lived was 17 years ago, when I lived in Minnesota. So needless to say that I was excited today when we got the first real snowfall of the winter. It fully lived up to the romantic notions that I had of snow. I gazed out of the window all day, watching the tiny little flakes dust the trees and city streets with a delitcate white coating. (To the left is a picture from my balcony).

Naturally this whole concept of snow is much more fun when I'm inside, hacking away at my trial brief. You can ask me how I like seasons tomorrow when I have to wait in the bus stop. says that "freezing drizzle" is in the forecast for tomorrow and "winter flurry" is predicted for Wednesday. Theses are definitely new terms for my vocubulary.

I'm so glad that I put my flannel sheets on this weekend. I'm going to go curl up in my bed, with what else, but my casebook.

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