Saturday, December 09, 2006

Yuletide Yearnings

Although Christmas decorations seem to go up in stores earlier and earlier every year, it didn't really hit me until this week that the holidays are right around the corner. The other night as I was walking back from my friends' apartment I saw all the stores with Christmas window displays. In our apartment's lobby, they just brought out the bright red poinsettias to bring some holiday cheer. And looking out my window today, I saw Christmas lights twinkling from our neighbors' trees and balconies.

All I really want to do right now is drink peppermint hot chocolate, listen to Christmas music, go shopping, bake cookies, wrap presents, go to a holiday party, build a gingerbread house, watch Love Actually, or do anything holiday related. But alas, finals testing is the grinch that stole Christmas. I finally get the cold weather to make it really feel like the holidays and I'm going to be really sad if I have to celebrate the first snowfall of the year with a test (that's what happened last year).

In the end though, getting through this week will make me appreciate being home for the holidays all that much more. And I'll get to do all those fun holiday things with my family in friends in a more friendly climate.

PS. If you have a friend in law school or who is lawyer, you should definitely check out these gifts. These are so amazing, I think I might have to dedicate an entry on it tomorrow.

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