Friday, October 27, 2006

Be Careful What You Wish For

Yesterday all of us cheered when we opened up our email inboxes and saw an email with the topic, "Contracts Class Cancelled." I know I did my little happy dance from my apartment. Yet, that joy quickly subsided as soon as I actually opened the email, scrolled down, and read that my professor was in the hospital.

All of a sudden, I felt like Cory Matthew, the main character on "Boy Meets World." There was an episode where Cory wished that his teacher, Mr. Feeny, would get sick so his class wouldn't have to take their exams. He soons learns that Mr. Feeny is actually admitted into a hospital, and Cory feels really guilty. Life really does imitate art, or at least kid's tv programming.

Even though our class knows that we didn't create our professor's illness, I think we all feel really bad now for all those days when we sat there hoping that our professor wouldn't show up and we wouldn't have to sit through 2 hours of confusion.

If torts (different subject, I know) has really taught me anything, it's that accidents and other bad things can happen to anyone at anytime. And you should really be grateful of everyone around you, even your quirky contracts professor who often confuses you. I hope everything turns out alright and I'm sending a lot of positive thoughts her way.

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